Frequently Asked Questions

How does Truffle work?

Truffle works by scanning the Slack channels it belongs to for important conversations, then summarizing those conversations into question and answer format. Then, when someone in a channel that Truffle belongs to asks a question, Truffle checks to see if it knows anything to help answer the question. If it finds something that can help, it will generate a unique answer to the question asked.

Does Truffle have access to my entire Slack workspace?

Truffle only has access to the channels that it has been added to by authorized Slack users. It cannot view content outside these channels that it has been given permission to access.

Who can add Truffle to my Slack workspace?

Depending on what type of subscription to Slack you have, and how your workspace security is configured, you will at least need to be a Org Owner/Admin or a Workspace Owner/Admin of the workspace. In some cases where security is less strict, you may be able to add Truffle as a member, though this is increasingly rare. For more information about Slack security, check out Slack’s own Permissions by role in Slack or Add apps to your Slack workspace.

What data does Truffle store?

Truffle will securely store summarized threads to use for answering questions. Full-text conversations are not stored. Metadata about threads may be retained for longer.

What happens when I remove Truffle from a Slack channel?

When you remove Truffle, the data from that channel is marked for deletion and will be removed within 24 hours.

Can Truffle access direct messages?

Truffle is not able to access direct messages, unless Truffle is added explicitly to a group conversation.

Can Truffle be added to private channels?

Yes, Truffle can be used in private channels with a paid plan.

Where does Truffle store my data?

Truffle stores its data in EU-based AWS accounts. Some data is sent to servers in the United States, but not retained there.

How do you ensure that no other client sees my team’s content?

Truffle only interfaces with Slack, and Slack sends signed requests that include the team ID in each request. This team ID uniquely identifies all the data associated with your team and is required to fetch content, preventing other clients from fetching your content.

What are Truffle’s security practices? How do I know my team’s data is safe?

Truffle takes security very seriously and employs enterprise-grade security and data handling practices. You can read more about Truffle’s security standards here.

What happens when I remove Truffle from my Slack workspace?

When you remove Truffle from your Slack workspace, all data is marked for deletion and will be erased after 7 days, in accordance with our Terms of Service.

Can I request a copy of my team’s data?

You can request a copy of your teams data by sending a request to We will send you the copy within 14 days of your request.